How to Deal with Acne Scars?

The treatment can vary depending on type of scar, and the treating dermatologist. Broadly the following schedule is followed :

  1. Ice-pick scars : Ice-pick scars are slim, pointed scars that make the skin appear it has been punctured with an icepick. They are usually narrower than 2 mm and extend into the deep dermis or subcutaneous layer .  Ice-pick scars are usually treated with TCA CROSS technique. In this , trichloracetic acid is applied to the floor of the scar , resulting in gradual filling up of the depth.

Can we prevent acne scars?

Best way to prevent acne scar , is to treat acne early and properly . Other than that a few simple measures may 
help :

  1. Use of effective sunscreens .
  2. Using tretinoin under the advice of a dermatologist . This speeds up the skin's remodeling process and helps heal post-inflammatory changes .
  3. Using Alpha-Hydroxy Acids ( AHAs ) and under the advice of a dermatologist .
  4. Picking at scabs should be avoided at all costs . Scabs form to guard the healing procedure that is going on below them . Pulling a scab off before it is ready hampers the healing and remodeling process which in turn lead to formation of scar .

Get rid of acne scars naturally at home

Acne vulgaris affects A lot of people. usually occurs during adolescence. This skin disease-caused by surges of the hormone testosterone  most people's acne diminishes around this age. However, some people suffer from acne throughout their lives.

These are some possible treatments :

Best ways to Remove Acne Scars

Acne vulgaris is a common human skin disease, characterized by areas of skin with seborrhea, comedones, papules , nodules, pimples, and possibly scarring.

Acne occurs most commonly during adolescence, and often continues into adulthood. In adolescence, acne is usually caused by an increase in testosterone, which accrues during puberty, regardless of sex.

There are several ways on removing acne scars. The appearance of acne starts during puberty when the body actively produces hormones that causes too much sebum in the skin.

Below are some of the techniques on removing acne scars naturally: